Offline Training Program

Offline Training Program

Module A:
Biotechnology, Cell and Molecular Biology Virology and Recombinant DNA Technology

Duration : 15 Days
1 - Biosafety in Biomedical and Molecular Laboratories; Basic first GLPs (Good Laboratory Practices); Guidelines, regulations and Implementations.
2 - Basics of Calculations; Buffers, Agarose, dNTPs, Primers reconstitutionsand preparations.
3 - Practical hands on and demonstrationsof Molecular and Biotechnology instruments.
4 - Nucleic Acid Isolation (DNA/RNA) demonstrationsby Manual methods, spincolumn based and fully automations Systems.
5 - DNA Isolation from whole Blood serum or any body fluids; Practical demonstrations and its Applications.
6 - RNA Isolation by spincolumn methods andits Qualificationsand Qualitative estimations.
7 - Post Amplification Technologies; AGE (Agarose Gel Electrophoresis), Gel Documentation System.
Duration : 01 Month
Allthe15 Days components and the followings;
1 - Basics and applied Aspects of specimen collections in Clinical and Diagnostics Molecular and Virology.
2 - Practical hands-on Training Program on End point PCR;
(a) Selection of Molecular marker (gene)
(b) Primer selection, designing and its Reconstitutions.
(c) Preparations and study of various ingredients of PCR (Pre mix preparations)
(d) PCR set up, Amplifications and Detection of Amplicons.
3 - PCR/Multiplex PCR for the Amplification and Detection of 13-Actin genes in Human Saliva. PCR and its Applications for the Characterization of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) from whole Blood. PCR trouble shootings and optimization and Standardization of annealing temperature (Ta)
Duration : 45 Days
All theComponents of 01Month and the following:
1 - Hope and Scope of Cellular and molecular Diagnostics in the preview of infedions, noninfedious and Cancer Biology.
2 - Hands on Training program on Molecular Mycobacteriology, Rheumatology and Clinical and Diagnostics Virology
3 - Extradion of Nucleic Acid (RNA/DNA) from serum for the Qualitative and Quantification of Clinically important viruses and bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Hepatitis BVirus (HBV) etc.
4 - Real Time PCR, (qPCR): Basics and Applied Aspeds. S plex Real Time PCR (Qiagen), HRMAdemonstrationsand its Applications.
Duration : 02 Months
All the Components of 45 days and the following:
1 - Real Time PCR programming, Sohware and Hardware handlings.
2 - Cellular, Molecular and its applications for the Charaderization of Influenza Viruses (Swineflu HI NI), byrRT-PCR.
3 - Contribution of Viruses in Cancer Therapy and molecular Biology
4 - Bacterial Plasmids Molecular Studies;
(a) Culturing of bacteria for the charaderizationof Plasmids
(b) Isolation, purification of plasmid DNA
(c) Qualitative and Quantification of plasmid DNA
Duration : 03 Months
All the Components of above 02 months andthefollowing:
2 - Blotting Techniques:
a. Southern Blotting
b. Northern Blotting
c. Western Blotting
3 - Forensic Biology:
A. Basics and Applied aspects of DNA profiling or DNA Fingerprinting
B. DNA Fingerprinting by RFLP and RAPD methods by PCR
C. Results Interpretationsfor DNA profiling.
Note: All the works related to projects, training programs will be on non-infectious materials.

Module B:
Clinical and Applied Microbiology, Serology and Immunology

Duration : 15 Days
Note: Mudule B will be customized as per Trainees interest.
1 - Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs) and Biosafety precautions and guidelines
(a) Safety Guidelines
(b) Risk assessment
(c) Good Microbiological
(d) Spillage management & Aerosol
(e) Laboratory Practice (GMPL)
(f) Levels of Containment and its significance
2 - Historical perceptive of microbiology and its recent advancements.
3 - Basics and Applied Instrumentations in Clinical and Applied Microbiology. Demonstrations of various instrumentations in Microbiology.
4 - Sterilization and Disinfection
(a) Media Sterilization and its preparation
(b) Pouring, streaking and culturing of microbes
5 - Staining Techniques
6 - Specimen Collection, storage and transportation for microbiological Evaluation
Duration : 01 Month
All the Contents of 15 Days and the Followings
7 - Identification of bacteria of medical importance
8 - Study of Drug resistance pattern,
(a) Sensitivity
(b) Susceptibility
(c) Multiple drug resistance
9 - Biochemical characterization and its study about the different enzymes produced by microbes.
10 - Identification of bacteria of Clinical importance by various biochemical test (IMVic tests)
(a) lndole
(b) Methyl Red
(c) Voges proskauer
(d) Citrate Utilization
11 - Catalase and Oxidize Activity tests.
Duration : 02 Month
All the Contents of 01 Month and the Followings
1 - Enumeration and identification of pathogenic and non-pathogenicE.Coli from different specimens.
2 - Identification and Screening of Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio from different specimens.
3 - Assessments and evolution of;
(a ) Coli form
(b) Fecal coli forms from water and food samples
4 - Quality Control and Quality Assurance in clinical microbiology and pharmaceutical industries.
5 - Food Microbiology, its scope applications and implementations.
Duration : 15 Days
Basics and Applied aspects of Immunology and Serology
1 - Introduction to Immune system.
2 - Serum; Separtion, Study of various components, Antigen and Antibody detection and characterization by various tools.
3 - Study of various immunological disorders by various tools and techniques.
4 - VDRL
Duration : 01 Month
1 - Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion (ODD)
2 - ELISA (Enzyme Linked lmmunosorbent Assay)
(a) Direct ELISA
(b) Indirect ELISA
(c) Sandwich ELISA
(d) DIVA
3 - Study of Rheumatoid factors (RAF), C-Reactive proteins and lmmunoglobulins (RIA)
4 - Radio lmmuno Assay (R/A)
5 - Double lmmuno diffusion (DIF)
6 - Rocket lmmuno electrophoresis (RIE)

Basics and Applied aspects of Immunology and Serology

Duration : 15 Days
1 - Introduction to Immune system.
2 - Serum; Separtion, Study of various components, Antigen and Antibody detection and characterization by various tools.
3 - Study of various immunological disorders by various tools and techniques.
4 - VDRL
Duration : 01 Month
All the content of 15 days and the followings;
6 - Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion (ODD)
7 - ELISA (Enzyme Linked lmmunosorbent Assay)
(a) Direct ELISA
(b) Indirect ELISA
(c) Sandwich ELISA
(d) DIVA
8 - Study of Rheumatoid factors (RAF), C-Reactive proteins and lmmunoglobulins (RIA)
9 - Radio lmmuno Assay (R/A)
10 - Double lmmuno diffusion (DIF)
11 - Rocket lmmuno electrophoresis (RIE)

Module C:
Pathology, Clinical Biochemistry and Endocrinology

Duration : 15 Days
1 - Good Laboratory Practices in Pathology laboratories
2 - Instrumentations in Diagnostics Labs; Practical demonstrations of tools and techniques, SOPs
3 - Basics of sample Collection / Phlebotomy;
(a) Order of draw
(b) Storage
(c) Transportation
(d) Rejection criterion
4 - Hematology
(a) CBC
(b) ESR
(c) Blood Groping
(d) Determination of Bleeding and Clotting time
5 - Hematological Disorders and its Characterization
Duration : 01 Month
All the above components of 15 days and the following:
6. Clinical Biochemistry:
Liver Functions Parameters: SGOT / SGPT / Total Protein (Albumin, Globulin) / Total Bilirubin (Direct Bilirubin, Indirect Bilirubin) / ENZYMES / Determination of various clinically important enzymes
Kidney Functions Parameters: Urea (Blood Urea, Nitrogen (BUN)) / Uric Acid / Creatinine / Electrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca+ ions)
Cardiac Profiling: Triglycerides / Cholesterol (Low density lipoprotein (LDL) / High density / Poprotein (HDL) / Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)

7 - Biochemistry of carbohydrates:
a. Serum glucose determination
b. Fasting blood sugar
c. Postprandial blood sugar
d. HbAlc (Glycated hemoglobin
e. Random Blood Sugar
Duration : 02 Months
All the above components of 01 month and the following:
8. Serology and its applications in Diagnostics
B. VDRL Test
C. HIV Card Test
D. HCV Card Test
E. HbsAg Card Test
F. Rheumatoid Arthritis Test
G. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test
H. Determination ofTgG, IgM

9. Routine Examination of Body Fluids:
A. Routine Urine Examination
B. Semen Examination

10. Endocrinology
A. Thyroid Disorders
B. Determination of Thyroid (stimulating Hormone (TSH)
C. Determination of T3
D. Determination of T4
F. Angiotensin II
G. Progesterone
H. Testosterone
I. Prolactin
J. GroMh hormone

11. Polystic Ovary Syndrome
Projects on Molecular Characterization of Neuropathogenic Viruses & Bacteria
1. Molecular Characterization of clinically relevant etiological agents for encephalitis in Northern regions of India.
2. Bacterial Meningitis and the prevalence of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Neisseriameningitides, Haemophilus influenza & Streptococcus pneumonia in Cerebrospinal Fluid(CSF) specimen.
Biology: Applied Zoology and Botany
1. Southern hybridization, Northern hybridization, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) PrenataI Diagnosis, Applications of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) inforensic Laboratories and disease prognosis.
2. DNA Isolation from Tissue, Whole Blood etc. Isolation of plasmid and chromosomalDNA from bacteria culture.
3. Demonstration of transformation and selection of recombinant clones. Demonstration of inducible enzyme β-galactosidase in E. coli. Software Demonstration for Phylogenetic analysis.
4. Assessment of genetic diversity of high altitude medicinal plants.
5. Screening of antioxidant profiling and antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants.
6. Insilico analysis of genomic DNA of medicinal plants.
7. Clustering and sequence alignment of DNA by using bioinformatics tools.
Pathology, Clinical Biochemistry, Medical Lab Technology and Laboratory Medicine
1. Polymorphism of the Follicle Stimulated Hormone receptors and its clinical Importance.
2. Emotional aspects of infertility: way to ways.
3. Infertility, medical advice and treatment with fertility hormones and/or in vitrofertilization: a population perspective.
4. Comparison of the I-eveIs of LH and FSH, TSH, Prolactin, Progesterone and Estradiol Hormones in Infertile Women.
5. Thyroid function in male infertility and its impact on outcomes of fertilization in females.
6. Female Reproductive Hormones and Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Genital Infection in Infertility.

Clinical Biochemistry
1. Vitamin D: An Examination of Physician and Patient Management of Health and Uncertainty.
2. Vitamin D Deficiency: A Global Concern.
3. Study of Vitamin D levels as a Profile Marker for Cardiovascular Diseases in different populations.
4. Clinical Biochemistry and Amplification technologies in th e current era of diagnosis of various diseases and disorders.
5. Hematological, Serological, Biochemical and Molecular profiling of Blood: Applications to reveal the hidden danger.
Pharmaceuticals and Food Technology
1. Detection of various probiotics agents in different sources and enumeration of its efficacies.
2. Physical, Chemical and Microbiological identification of food adulterants.
3. Microbial limit test (MLT), water analysis for various Pharmaceutical Products and raw materials.
4. Isolation and bio chemical Identification of phytochemicals from medicinal plants and study of antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti fungal activities.
5. Food and water for life; need to revised the methodologies.
6. Study of drug resistance and susceptibilityforvarious etiological agents.